We had a cold dry calm day to welcome in the start to the new year; and the big spate that was coming down the system had just peaked in the evening of Hogmanay, and for the next couple of …
The last month of the year started with a calm mild dry day and a river level of around the six feet mark that was to continue slowly dropping back for the next week or so. A lot of our …
It was a dry dull day that saw the start of November, and the river level of two feet and five inches continued to slowly abate for the next couple of weeks. Along with getting the last of the hedges …
We had a cool dry start to the opening day of the month; a weather pattern that was to continue for a while, and the river level continued to drop back during this time. As the grass cutting season was …
We had a dry, dull, calm day with the odd bit of light drizzle to start off this month, the river level was still settling back to around the four feet mark (above summer level) before we got a short …
The month started the same as the last one finished; with dry mild weather and the river level hovering a few inches above summer level, this did change by the end of the second week with weather warnings coming into …
We had a mostly dry start to July, and with some light showers and mild weather in the mix the river level never moved much over the coming weeks. July was a shorter working month having had a week’s holiday …
June month started off with a glorious day and the mercury hitting 25˚C and the river level was to stay stable, give or take a few inches, for the next couple of weeks. Along with all the routine grass cutting …
The month started off with some dry cooler weather and duller days; the river level was steady in the first week, but then started to drop away after that, where it got down to about the one-foot mark by mid-month. …
The month started with a bitter wind on a dull dry day, and the river level was to continue dropping back for the next week. On the 2nd of the month, we had our first couple of sand martins back …